An Election Day Nightmare

By Rocco Dryfka: Imagine that it is Election Day and you are on your way to cast your vote in-person, just like you have always done.  You thought hard about […]

Turning Out All Veteran Votes

From the CEO:   It’s past time to get past winning arguments and concentrate on winning elections!  There is too little time and too few minds to change before early voting […]

Fight’s On – Steps to Win

By Paul Judge, COL (R), USAF: Assess past fights: Have you heard that Virginia is in play this presidential election cycle?  Don’t think for a second it will be easy.  In […]

Lights Out

From the CEO Governor Youngkin: “Mr. President, we have a chance of winning Virginia!” President Trump:  “We win Virginia, and it’s LIGHTS OUT! What do we need to do?” Governor […]