LTG (R) Bob Wood, USA, Chief Executive Officer AVV
Bob Wood is the Chief Executive Officer for American Veterans Vote, a Veteran based advocacy group oriented on encouraging Veterans to understand and use their collective political voice. Prior to […]
Dr. Michael Hoyes, USAF, AVV Chaplain
Michael has over 45 years’ experience (30 active-duty Air Force) in military operations with a full spectrum of experience as an aviator, instructor, operational test and evaluation member, flight examiner, […]
COL (R) Mike Flanagan, USA, Chief Operating Officer AVV
COL Mike Flanagan USA (RETD) is an independent consultant in the defense industry while also serving as the Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army (CASA) for Virginia (South). […]
Dr. Thom Owens, Director of Marketing and Communications
Thom Owens retired from the Army as a Lieutenant Colonel after a 20-year career in both combat arms and special operations units and assignments. Following his time in service, he […]
Dr. Arch Turner, Director of Data and Integration
Arch Turner is a former Naval Aviator, with over fifty years of service in national security. Arch spent fourteen years flying carrier-based attack aircraft, and after retiring from the Navy, […]
Rich Eagan, Director of Regional Operations
Rich Eagan retired in 1993, after a more than 25-year career in the US Army. He served as a tracked vehicle mechanic and progressed to Repair Control Supervisor in non-divisional […]