Voting Is Not An Extremist Act

From the CEO

NEWS FLASH – This just in…After 3 years of study, DoD’s Countering Extremist Activity Working Group at last defines “Extremist Activity” in its final report released Wednesday, 26 June 2024.  

In a week of news rocked by the outcome of the first 2024 Presidential Debate and an array of remarkable Supreme Court decisions, I deliberately highlight this DoD report and its findings.  Tension remains inside the rank and file of our military force over fundamental rights and freedoms in the wake of force wide stand downs, investigations, and murky, unremarkable findings regarding extremism in the Services.  Much of this tension stems from a poorly executed stand down, the absence of agreed definitions and standards, and too many external “experts” with overwrought assertions and few conclusions backed by empirical evidence.

What’s a squad leader, company commander, or senior leader supposed to do if his or her choices are between building mission readiness or pursuing more process-based work towards ill-defined end goals?  This report has a serious purpose very similar to past Service wide initiatives addressing the scourge of racism, drug use, and gangs.  Elimination of extremism in the ranks, as it exists, is a worthy goal. And adding needed clarity to guidance is similarly important.  But AVV encourages careful implementation of prescribed initiatives. Trust the chain of command, resist faulty implementation of hastily designed programs, and respect the good sense and motivation of Service Members who, as team members, volunteered to Serve the Nation as they Defend our Constitution. 

Team AVV celebrates DoD’s clear conclusion that VOTING IS NOT AN EXTREMIST ACT.  Obvious statement, perhaps.  Underappreciated fact, absolutely.  Essential conclusion to AVV’s belief system, without question.  We stand by our belief that change through the Ballot Box is the most consequential and constructive act Service Members and Veterans can take as Citizens or our Constitutional Republic.  American Veterans Vote, INDEED!

To other news…how ‘bout that debate!  Having worked in the Reagan National Security Council to help negotiate and implement SDI and Arms Control Programs, on the Army Staff in the wake of 9/11 to define and implement Army strategies, and in multiple command positions in peace and war to train and employ our most precious fighting forces, I was shocked to witness the frail, unfocused mental acuity of President Biden, our Commander in Chief.  I’ve witnessed the actions of great leaders in tough times.  Our security threats are too dire and our military capabilities too finite to have leadership dependent on note cards and talking points.  We, as Veterans and Veteran Supporters, have the ability, here in Virginia, in this coming election, to deliver 13 Electoral votes for former President Trump and determine a needed change in leadership.  That’s just a fact.

As the Democratic party sees the growing likelihood of a presidential loss, money will flow increasingly to retain the Senate and win the House.  The focus will shift from supporting Biden to blocking a new Trump White House by Congress.  This brings the Senate race in Virginia to the forefront.  Hung Cao’s race to replace Senator Kaine will be even more important and competitive.  Beyond the work ahead to win in Congressional Districts, a statewide effort is needed to support Hung Cao’s victory.  It will take Every Veteran, Every Vote as well as statewide voter turnout in both “competitive” GOP districts and “safe” districts.  AVV has examined the voting data across all the Commonwealth.  In “safe” GOP districts, turnout lags – it must seem too safe.  Far too many GOP voters leave their votes uncounted in Presidential and Senate races.  Every Veteran – Every Voter needs to cast their decisive vote for Hung Cao and former President Trump.

AVV launched its VETS2VOTE program for 2024 elections with its first Call To Action on 22 June in AVV’s Northeast region (7CD, 8CD).  Similar events are planned in AVV’s Southeast Region (2CD, 3CD) and Northwest Region (10CD, 11CD). Watch for dates and details on the AVV Website and in email.  Training to Win sessions are also planned to add the power of training to the will to win these important elections.